Fertility & Pregnancy

Fertility and preconception care proactively seeks out to address factors affecting both female and male fertility.

In the 3 to 4 months before conception we have an opportunity to improve natural fertility and pregnancy outcomes. During this window of time, both the sperm and egg go through a process of maturation. Spermatogenesis takes about 74 days and oocyte maturation takes about 120 days, and so this length of time is needed at a minimum to have the most impact with natural therapies. Speaking with your Naturopathic Doctor about you and your partner’s goals is the best way forward to individualized fertility care.

Using evidence-based nutrients, antioxidants, and herbal medicine to enhance outcomes.

Naturopathic Medicine aims to:

  • Regulate an irregular menstrual cycle

  • Balance hormones, such as in PCOS or thyroid disease

  • Improve the maturation and quality of both the egg and the sperm

  • Improve the epigenetics of the egg and sperm

  • Improve ovulation rates

  • Educate on cervical mucous and fertility monitoring techniques

  • Improve sperm morphology and motility

  • Treat endometrial lining to improve implantation

  • Ensure optimal nutrition required for a healthy pregnancy for both baby and mom

Fertility & Preconception Lab Tests

Along with a 80 minute holistic intake consultation, a complete laboratory workup is integral to your success. Any previous and current bloodwork may be reviewed while ordering a comprehensive fertility assessment. Common lab tests include:

  • Thyroid panel

  • Complete blood cell count

  • Ferritin, or iron stores

  • Vitamin B12, RBC folate, and homocysteine

  • Vitamin D status

  • Fasting blood glucose and HbA1c

  • Magnesium and zinc

  • Day 2 or 3 LH and FSH

  • Day 21 progesterone and estradiol

  • Total and free testosterone

  • Prolactin

  • DHEAs

  • Androstenedione

  • Anti-mullerian hormone

  • Semen analysis

Pregnancy Care

Whether you are a first time parent or you’re adding to a growing family, support at each step of the way through your pregnancy and after birth improves outcomes for both you and your baby’s wellbeing.

Visits are placed at strategic times throughout pregnancy to help you prepare for the next stage using optimal nutrition, supplementation with professional grade products, pregnancy appropriate herbal medicine, and recommendations for self care products. All naturopathic prenatal patients must also have their pregnancy followed by a Medical Doctor or Registered Midwife.

Prenatal Program - Framework of Visits

4 to 8 weeks. First Trimester Guidelines & Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy with Nutrition

12 weeks. Preparing for the Second Trimester & Nutrition Changes

20 weeks. You’re Half-way! Regular Healthy Prenatal Check-in

24 weeks. Preparing for the Third Trimester & More Changes

28 weeks. Regular Healthy Prenatal Check-in

32 weeks. Preparing Your Body for Birth & Preparing Your Home

36 weeks. Regular Healthy Prenatal Check-in & Final Preparations, Nutrition, Birthing Toolkit

37 to 40 weeks. Support Where it’s Needed, Labour Stimulation, Preparing for Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum care in the weeks following birth is just as important as prenatal care. When your baby is born you will be set up with a postpartum framework to help you repair and restore good health.

Length of Visits: Tailoring to your needs, each visit may vary in length by person from 30 minutes to 55 minutes each.

Coverage: Most extended health benefits plans cover Naturopathic visits including prenatal care. Check with your provider for more details.

Looking to become a new patient? Visit our What to Expect page to learn more on your first steps and what the process looks like.

Ready to book?

Click on the button below and you will be redirected to the online schedule so you can find a date and time that works for you.